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June 17, 2014

Ewan talks about the perception of Pay-to-Use ATMs

I went to a dinner last week, which was attended by a number of senior people from a variety of different businesses. As I introduced myself, and said that I…
March 13, 2014

Getting ready for University Phase 2 - Budgeting

Budgeting for a university student is another important life skill…Whether they track their cash in a notebook, by a smartphone app or taking cash out and keeping it in little brown envelopes, if…
March 4, 2014

Getting Ready for University:

Phase 1 - The Kitchen With just over 6 months to go before the new term intake, many parents will be preparing to send their child off to University.  And…
February 14, 2014

What to do if a cash machine doesn't give you money or swallows your card

There’s nothing more frustrating than using an cash machine ATM and there being an issue…either not enough cash was dispensed, your card is retained, or your bank account shows a…
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