
130 Results found

One month, two shows attended!

Shows, shows and more shows...What a month it's been! We've visited two shows, made new friends and gave away £100’s in M&S gift vouchers. NCS - The National Convenience Show…

“The ATM swallowed my card!”

If you're sat there thinking... "The ATM swallowed my card!" We've got some tips on the steps to take to sorting this matter. You pop your bank card into an…

6 ways to improve your store’s first impression

Your store’s impression begins the moment a customer notices your store, then the second they walk through your doors, the journey begins. You want to engage them and make them…

Are independent cash machines different to bank ATMs?

Picture this: you’re walking through your local high street, check your pockets and realise you need some cash. You stop and stretch yourself (like a meerkat) to look over the…

A Guide to a Magical Christmas on a Budget

As the festive season fast approaches, we can’t help but start to get a little stressed over the prospect of money. Despite its supposed sentiment of love and generosity, Christmas…

UK Currency: What to watch out for in 2017...

In the past 8 months or so, two staples of British currency, the five pound note and the one pound coin, have undergone fairly radical redesigns.   Last September saw…

Morning Musings – Outside In

The cash industry is simple, right? Banks and businesses keep the machines topped up, and we can just press a few buttons and have enough money for a spending spree…

The Future Of Cash (and the ATM cash machine industry) With Mike Lee, CEO of ATMIA

The ATM Industry Association (ATMIA) is an independent, non-profit trade association that promotes ATM use and is constantly looking for new ways to widen the ATM cash machine industry network…

Cash...the consumers' choice

The inventor of the Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) is much contested, with the likes of Luther George Simjian, John Shepherd-Barron, James Goodfellow, Don Wetzel, John D. White and Jairus Larson…

The Round Pound: Countdown to Deadline Day

Spend your old pound coins by 15th October.   It seems that every few months there’s a new note or coin entered into circulation by the Bank of England. Most…
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