
100 Results found

What's In-Store? Top 2018 Retail Services For Customers

Welcome to 2018… the official year of the World Cup, the Commonwealth Games and based on the Chinese New Year – the year of the Dog! For all EU countries,…

How To Improve The In Store Shopping Experience

How To Improve The In Store Shopping Experience Have a read of our top tips and ways on how to improve the in store shopping experience. Many retailers struggle to…

YourCash and Poundland agree a new contract and extend their established business relationship.

YourCash, European ATM deployers, have signed a new contract with single price retailers, Poundland, for the provision of ATM services into their UK stores.  Ewan Ogilvie, MD – UK &…

The New Polymer Ten Pound

All the information you need to know about the new ten pound (£10) note. Note: We may or may not have intentionally or inadvertently included “ten” wherever possible in this…

Cash...the consumers' choice

The inventor of the Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) is much contested, with the likes of Luther George Simjian, John Shepherd-Barron, James Goodfellow, Don Wetzel, John D. White and Jairus Larson…

I want a cash machine for my shop…

I want a cash machine for my shop… It’s amazing to think than less than 20 years ago, cash machines were only ever found in a banking environment.  After the…

Which is the best ATM for my business? [infographic]

Find out which is the best ATM for your business When deciding whether to have an ATM in your business, there’s one key decision that you must consider. Although there…

Bargain Booze, KP Walker Ltd, North West England

KP Walker Ltd operates five Bargain Booze stores in the North West of England. After trialling a YourCash ATM in one of its stores, the business decided to rollout the…

Cash will never die... even with new banking technologies

Despite the increasing use of mobile phones and contactless payment for purchases, it's clear that cash will never die. For all the talk of an increasingly cashless society, a group…

5 Valentine’s day tactics to show your customers you care!

Valentine’s day is a day to show everyone in your life admiration and care, so here are some ideas to show your customers you care! With the sales percentage being…
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