
130 Results found

ATM benefits: Why they are important

The ATM plays a vital role in communities. In this blog you will learn a few ATM benefits and why they are important. A few years back (try 50 years) the…

Best One, Ancoats Urban Village Store, Manchester

Ancoats Urban Village Store operates in a Central Manchester residential area and has had a YourCash ATM for much of the time it has been open. Its owner, Alistair, believes…

YourCash and Poundland agree a new contract and extend their established business relationship.

YourCash, European ATM deployers, have signed a new contract with single price retailers, Poundland, for the provision of ATM services into their UK stores.  Ewan Ogilvie, MD – UK &…

How can your shop save money?

With the economy struggling, every business is trying to cut down on costs and save their expenses, just to make ends meet. Smaller businesses are especially feeling the burn. But…

5 Simple Tips to Increase Your Sales In-Store

Whatever the nature of your business, increasing your sales in-store is never going to be a bad thing. It doesn’t have to be difficult either. In fact, there are many…

Getting ready for University: Phase 3 - Student Banking

Following on from our recent blog on budgeting, it would be remiss of us if we didn't mention Student bank accounts.  All the major banks have Student bank accounts and normally offer…

One Stop, working with Hill Tavern Convenience, Dudley.

YourCash works with One Stop stores across the country, in both corporate and franchise capacities. The Amin family owns two stores in the West Midlands area with their core focus…

How to keep your New Year’s resolution.

The time is upon us once again when we decide to be better and do things to improve our lives – yes it’s New Year’s Resolution time! We’ve been back…

A day or three in the life of an entrepreneurial CEO

I find myself rather “marooned” today in a beautiful hotel on Park Lane, with an unplanned gap in my otherwise hectic schedule, and a frustrating, but liberating technology problem where…

Protect your PIN…The 4 IT's of PIN security

The Personal Identification Number or PIN was originally created by the ATM inventor John Shepard-Barron, who wanted a 6 digit numeric code to allow secure cash withdrawals when using a…
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