
130 Results found

Do judge an ATM by its cover

  Just before Christmas, I attended an Entrepreneur’s Network Dinner, hosted by Ernst & Young. I spoke to a number of people about our business and on every occasion their…

An American Perspective on the European ATM Market

Toothbrush…check.  Cell phone…check.  Debit card…check. I’m all packed up and fully armed with all the essentials for my “English Adventure”!  Little did I know that I was going to run…

4 money saving tricks for a fang-tastic Halloween!

Check-out these boo-tiful budgeting tips for a fun Halloween! Are you looking forward to a frightful Halloween this year? We know what you’re thinking, everything’s going to be so expensive…

Is a cash machine the right thing for my business?

Running a business is a real life feat and one that is not free of challenges – there’s no arguing that! One of the challenges we often hear about is…

How to defend against hackers

Every morning we get into the office and have a scout around online for any news that’s relevant to us and the wider financial industry. So as you can imagine,…

Morning Musings – Savings News and Views

Whilst trying to warm ourselves up with a coffee this morning, we started talking about savings. It turns out that we had all read the same article by the Money Advice…

Five mistakes retailers make that chase away shoppers!

As a retailer, you know that your most important asset is your customer base. It wouldn’t be a business without customers! One of the best ways to thrive is to…

Cash Machine Benefits: To ATM or not to ATM?

That is the question... It's amazing to think that less than 20 years ago, cash machines were only ever found in a banking environment. After the deregulation of the ATM…

A Brief History of Money and How It Is Made

History of Money & How It Is Made Manufacturing money. It’s valuable business! But how does it work? How did money come about, and exist as a certain value – where…

Financial education for children

In schools youngsters aren’t always taught about the importance of managing money. Even many adults learn the importance of saving and spending through trial and error. But don’t worry… there…
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