
100 Results found

Cash at Christmas!

Cash at Christmas - savvy budgeting tool?  We like to think so! So here we are…2016 has arrived, presents have been exchanged, waistlines have expanded and the credit card bill…

Morning Musings – Savings News and Views

Whilst trying to warm ourselves up with a coffee this morning, we started talking about savings. It turns out that we had all read the same article by the Money Advice…

What if your local bank branch is closing?

Every now and then, news pops up that another big bank is closing even more of its branches, especially ones in rural areas. We know that it has a negative…

Local Bank Closure: Opportunity for Retailers

Every now and then, news pops up that there has been another local bank closure, especially in rural areas. We know that this may cause a panic but we have the…

Love your Customers – How to prepare your store for Valentine's Day

Finding the perfect gift can be overwhelming and that's why you, as a store, must provide the best possible service for this special occasion! Find out in this blog how…

One Stop, working with Hill Tavern Convenience, Dudley.

YourCash works with One Stop stores across the country, in both corporate and franchise capacities. The Amin family owns two stores in the West Midlands area with their core focus…

More money in your pocket: Making an ATM more profitable

What retailers don’t often realise is that a few simple steps can turn an ATM into an additional money-making machine. To find out how to make an ATM more profitable,…

How you can still have a great night out on a budget!

What’s the worst thing after a night out? The throbbing headache? The regretful text messages? What about the thought of looking at your bank account? Imagine all three at the…

Back to school: tips for students to save money!

With freshers soon and the beginning of your first semester, it's important to know how students can save money! Part of growing up is learning how to keep track of…

The Round Pound: Countdown to Deadline Day

Spend your old pound coins by 15th October.   It seems that every few months there’s a new note or coin entered into circulation by the Bank of England. Most…
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