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Data Privacy Notice

Global Privacy Notice May 2024 This privacy notice (“Privacy Notice”) explains how each of the entities and/or branches listed in the “Who we are” table in section Who we are…

Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy May 2024 This policy explains how cookies are used on the Euronet websites of reference in section 9 to keep our site reliable, secure, and personalized. For more…

Terms of use

Website terms of use (UK) Standard documents | Maintained | United Kingdom Terms regarding access to and use of a website under English law. This resource was formerly known as…

Polymer Notes are coming to the UK

Polymer notes are not a new idea, and are already used successfully in over 20 countries around the world. With the Bank of England’s recent announcement to launch Polymer notes…

Marketing Musings – £269m withdrawn in one day – now that’s a shopping spree!

This morning, we were musing over our coffee discussing the latest LINK results for the August Bank Holiday and the fact that the UK flocked to ATMs and withdrew a…

Easy peasy cooking for kids

So here we are, into school summer holidays and paddling pool sales are up on last year, ice cream sales are probably rocketing and here at YouCash we thought we’d…

Financial Travel Tips: 6 essential tips all travellers should consider!

Summer is only 3 months away and with all the excitement of booking the trip, it’s easy to forget what financial items need to be taken care of before you…

9 ways to help you save more at home, every month!

From cable bills to everyday spending habits, these 9 tips will help you to save more at home, spend less and get on the fast track to financial success! Are…

Getting ready for Summer…

We’re only days away now from the UK schools breaking up for the summer.  With the daunting task of keeping children entertained, fed and safe we thought we’d find some…

Protect your PIN…The 4 IT's of PIN security

The Personal Identification Number or PIN was originally created by the ATM inventor John Shepard-Barron, who wanted a 6 digit numeric code to allow secure cash withdrawals when using a…
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